The Weight is Over – Week 57: No more pasta? Oh, rats!

I write this column against the advice of my handyman, who spoke his words of wisdom from beneath my kitchen sink. “I know you like to write about everything,” he said as he hammered pieces of wood into place. “But… Continue Reading


The Weight is Over – Week 56: Could 2 Weeks in Europe Destroy 1 Year’s Success?

Twenty years ago, when I accepted husband No. 2’s marriage proposal, he asked where I’d like to go on our honeymoon. I – a wanna-be Italian – said Italy was tops on my travel wish list. He said that sounded… Continue Reading


The Weight is Over – Week 50: Miles and Miles of Milestones

It’s been a few weeks since I published an installment of  The Weight is Over. My schedule was more packed than usual, and on both nights when I normally would have written my column for a Thursday publication, it just… Continue Reading


The Weight is Over/Just Sayin’: Little Things Mean a Lot

I commented to Doni recently as we worked out together at Align Private Training that it’s the baby steps that add up. The tune, “Little Things Mean a Lot” seems to be the recurring theme of this health-and-fitness journey.  Sure, it’s… Continue Reading


The Weight is Over – Week 41: Decreased Calories and Faked Bad Posture

Forty-0ne weeks. I can’t believe it. That’s how long I’ve been on this health-and-fitness journey with Matthew Lister at Align Private Training. Forty weeks happens to be the gestation period of an average pregnancy. Just think: In the time between… Continue Reading