Gun-Selling Supervisor’s 2nd Amendment Resolution Polarizes Citizens. (Will Unpermitted Weapon-Toting Supervisors Be Arrested?)

Tuesday evening in Redding, hundreds of concerned, curious citizens arrived early to the Shasta County Board of Supervisors’ vestibule outside the board chambers. The expectant crowd crammed together to secure seats inside for a politically polarizing popular agenda item: R4,… Continue Reading


Suspend Politics, Prepare Best Thanksgiving Recipes, Break the Wishbone, Hope for the Best

It was a beautiful fall Sunday when I returned some items to The Home Depot. I was almost to my car when a woman I’d seen earlier inside the store with a dog on a leash ran after me and… Continue Reading


The Thing with Feathers

It doesn’t take much water for this goldfinch to enjoy a good bath! Photo by Larry Jordan Emily Dickinson famously wrote “Hope is the thing with feathers.” Now, under the oppressive disorientation of Covid-19, massive wildfires, technological manipulation, and political… Continue Reading


One Homeless Man’s Plea: The Homeless Need Help, Not Hatred

  Like many Redding homeless, George Koen spends a lot of time at the Shasta County Library in Redding which features bathrooms, drinking fountains, computers, comfortable chairs, magazines, and shelter from the elements. It’s kind of his home away from… Continue Reading