Why Can’t Oak Run Elementary School District Have Nice Things?

On Nov. 20 last year, Oak Run Elementary School District Superintendent Misti Livingston received a letter from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing’s Division of Professional Practices. It read: “Dear Ms. Livingston, “The Committee of Credentials, after careful review and consideration… Continue Reading


Yet Another Former Elections Commissioner Explains Why the Commission Should be Abolished

Brad Garbutt

Where do I start? Shasta County Election commissioners are bound by oaths, rules and bylaws they agree to follow prior to serving. First, there is the oath of office, which includes the promise to defend and uphold the State and… Continue Reading


Four-Year Forecast: Stormy Days Ahead. Battened the Hatches.

Today is the second coming of Donald J. Trump’s presidency. By the day’s end, Trump will be inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States. As things go in Washington, D.C., so they will go in Shasta County, a place where county government has been under siege by far-right extremists for nearly five years. Continue Reading


Corkey Caves, Chair Crye Rolls Long and Plummer: Shasta County Board of Supervisors Charts Rocky Road

People put too much stock in the “cowboy way.” People like me, for example. When I hear the phrase, as I did when Corkey Harmon was running for the Shasta County District 3 Supervisor seat last year, I imagined John… Continue Reading


Bidwell Mansion Fire Rekindles Conflicting Views of Chico’s Indigenous History

During the early morning hours of December 11, a fire swept through the historic Bidwell Mansion in downtown Chico. Nearly one week after the fire, a California State Park official announced in a December 17 press conference that the fire… Continue Reading