Yet Another Former Elections Commissioner Explains Why the Commission Should be Abolished

Brad Garbutt

Where do I start? Shasta County Election commissioners are bound by oaths, rules and bylaws they agree to follow prior to serving. First, there is the oath of office, which includes the promise to defend and uphold the State and… Continue Reading


Letter to the Editor: A Plea to Trump Supporters — Before Voting, Consider All that You’re Supporting

This is my somewhat humble — likely futile, hoping not — attempt at trying to reason with those who consider themselves as some sort of “better version” of MAGA; those who consider themselves to be conservative, moderate, reasonable, caring, middle-of-the… Continue Reading


Letter to the Editor About Redding Rodeo Grounds by Retired Senator Maurice Johannesseen: Quit Kicking the Can Down the Road

To the Members of the Redding City Council Redding City Manager Director Travis Menne, Community Services Department I am writing to express my support for renewing a long-term lease for the Redding Rodeo Grounds. The rodeo is a long-established historic… Continue Reading