Q&A With Ian Scarfe: SF to Hyampom & Trinity Alps Chamber Music Festival

Today we talk with Ian Scarfe, the  founder and director of the Trinity Alps Chamber Music Festival, headquartered in Hyampom, of all places. Q: Ian, welcome to anewscafe.com. You’ve been sending us press releases about quite a few concerts lately, and we’re… Continue Reading


Trinity Alps Chamber Music Festival Announces August Concerts

Trinity County’s quickly growing arts organization, the Trinity Alps Chamber Music Festival, will be continuing its expanded third season, with seven public concerts during the month of August. All performances are free and open to the public – no reservations required.… Continue Reading


Tom Stokely, Former Trinity County Natural Resources Planner, to Talk in Hayfork about Peripheral Tunnel

On July 25, Governor Brown announced his plan to drill two 33-foot tunnels 150 feet under California’s Delta, big enough to siphon the entire Sacramento River to thirsty San Joaquin Valley agribusiness and Southern California cities. Previous plans to build… Continue Reading

‘Get Outta Town’ and Help Trinity Kids Go to Camp

Tasting local wines, nibbling artisan cheese and listening to two local bands is all you need to do this weekend to help 90 kids have an outdoor education and adventure this summer. So ‘Get Outta Town’ for a drive to… Continue Reading

The Mountains Beckon Runners, Cyclists

There’s an excellent, triple-digit reason that most organized runs, bike rides, triathlons and other such events in these parts are scheduled for either the spring or fall. Even those of us who revel in the heat aren’t keen on competing… Continue Reading