Blackberry Pie Is Calling You To Mount Shasta

Labor Day traditionally marks the end of summertime activities, even though I’d swear summer started only a week or two ago. Those looking to get away from the North Valley heat might consider Mount Shasta, which has booked a collection… Continue Reading


Intermountain Fair Opens Thursday

For some Shasta County residents, the “county fair” is not the Shasta District Fair that occurs in Anderson every June. No, it’s the very folksy, agriculture-intensive Intermountain Fair in McArthur every Labor Day weekend. The Intermountain Fair begins its five-day… Continue Reading


The Lowdown on Downtowns

The best downtowns are 16/6 districts — they are lively places at least 16 hours a day, 6 days a week. The worst downtowns are those that stand largely abandoned, but nearly as depressing are those that operate almost exclusively from 8 to 5 on weekdays.

Redding has an 8-to-5 downtown for the most part. Sure, there are signs of life at other times, especially just south of the mall. In general, though, the sidewalks are largely deserted by 6 o’clock. In fact, the sidewalks are pretty empty most of the time … Continue Reading


Ring, Ring Goes the Bell

It’s been many years (I won’t reveal exactly how many) since I had to worry about finding my classroom and meeting new teachers on the first day of school. Yet, that first-day-of-school apprehension returns to me every year about this… Continue Reading


‘Freecycle’ Your Old Clothes at MLK Center

Most schools open the classroom doors next week, which means the little ones – who are growing bigger – need new clothes. Redding’s MLK Multicultural Center has a way for parents and grandparents to get those clothes for the very… Continue Reading