Tending a Borrowed Earth, Igo Pair Live Their Environmental Ethic

Al Carter and I are walking through the blackberry brambles and poison oak on his newly acquired property along Clear Creek, between Placer Road and Whiskeytown National Recreation Area in the vicinity of Igo. Carter seems not to care that… Continue Reading


Ambitious Trail Project Would Open Up Public Lands

One of the most ambitious recreation trail projects in Redding history is moving forward between Placer Road and the southeastern corner of Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. The Bureau of Land Management is planning a trail system of about 20.2 miles… Continue Reading

‘Iconic Bike Ride’ Celebrates Trail Opening

Now here’s how you celebrate the completion of a bike path. On November 6, the Bureau of Land Management and a bunch of other entities will host an “Iconic Bike Ride” from Shasta Dam to the Sundial Bridge on the… Continue Reading


A Trail Construction Primer

Four of us were struggling to keep our footing on the side of a hill covered with tall, dry grass. Dead ahead of us was a thicket of poison oak and 10-foot-tall manzanita. We were marking a potential trail route… Continue Reading


Our Recreation Trails Just Get Better

The new exercise course along the lower stretch of Clear Creek must be the most incongruous trail project in Shasta County. But building a par course in the semi-wilderness must not be too bad an idea, because I keep going… Continue Reading

The Mountains Beckon Runners, Cyclists

There’s an excellent, triple-digit reason that most organized runs, bike rides, triathlons and other such events in these parts are scheduled for either the spring or fall. Even those of us who revel in the heat aren’t keen on competing… Continue Reading