Community Foundation Creates Disaster Fund for Boles Fire in Weed

In response to the Boles Fire in Weed, the Shasta Regional Community Foundation has established the Community Disaster Relief Fund to provide assistance to families, non-profits and organizations impacted by the fire. The fund was established with a gift from… Continue Reading


Friday Clover Fire Update: Residents Returning Home; Fire 80 Percent Contained

Because the Clover Fire is in the mop-up phase and is expected to be fully contained by Sunday,  this will probably be one of our last Clover Fire updates. However, watch for upcoming after-fire stories here on anewscafe.com in the next… Continue Reading


Animal Sanctuary Hosts Annual Fire Safety/Planning Meeting

Chic Miller is a 65-year-old, 100-pound animal-rescuing dynamo with cropped blond hair, a broad smile, and clear blue eyes that squint shut as she throws her head back and laughs. Miller was in her glory Friday afternoon at the fire safety meeting she and her 75-year-old… Continue Reading


Dale Fire Saturday Update: 75% contained, full containment expected today

UPDATE Saturday 8 a.m.: The Dale Fire is 75 percent contained. Full containment expected by the day’s end. Demobilization of resources is in progress. All evacuations are lifted. All roads are open. The fire covered 1,200 acres. More than 150 homes were… Continue Reading

Cal Fire Asks Public to ‘Protect Your Family From Fire’

Every year in California firefighters respond to residential structure fires that take lives and inflict millions of dollars in damage. From Oct. 9-15, 2011 CAL FIRE is teaming with the National Fire Prevention Association for Fire Prevention Week to educate… Continue Reading


Cal Fire Urges Consumers to Buy Firewood Locally

As part of a nationwide effort to encourage the public to buy and burn firewood locally, CAL FIRE and the California Firewood Task Force kicked off a public outreach campaign in September to inform campers, wood cutters, arborists, and the… Continue Reading


Shasta Lake Girl, 8, Killed by Runaway Parked Car

On Sunday, 8-21-2011, at approximately 1945 hours (7:45 p.m.), the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office in the City of Shasta Lake received a call of a vehicle accident on Oliver Street. Upon arrival it was discovered that it was a solo… Continue Reading


CAL Fire Board Moves Forward With $150 Rural Fire Fee

The state Board of Forestry and Fire Protection has directed its staff to draft emergency regulations, in accordance with Assembly Bill AB X 1 29‘s State Responsibility Area (SRA) fees, for the full board to consider at a special public… Continue Reading


UPDATE: ID Given on Swimmer, 25, Who Drowned at Lake Shasta

Update, Aug. 15: The man who presumably drowned while swimming in Lake Shasta’s Hirz Bay has been named today as Danny Savath of Oakland, Shasta County Coroner-Investigator Teri Veazey said. Savath’s cause of death is pending toxicology test results. *****… Continue Reading