The Christmas Clutch
Some of life’s lessons really stick with you and one of the most memorable for me occurred at age seven, when I learned how to use a clutch. It was Christmas Day and my father had procured a deserted parking… Continue Reading
Some of life’s lessons really stick with you and one of the most memorable for me occurred at age seven, when I learned how to use a clutch. It was Christmas Day and my father had procured a deserted parking… Continue Reading
Some of the most cringe-worthy phone calls I receive are those from desperate pet owners describing how their two dogs have, “started fighting out of the blue.” I cringe because 99.9% of the time, the call comes long after the… Continue Reading
Dogs are social, curious animals that do not handle boredom and isolation well. When left to their own devices, unemployed, under-exercised dogs will find something to do. Guaranteed. Sadly, a dog’s interpretations of fabulous options for entertainment are usually annoying… Continue Reading
I see foxtails. Everywhere. Hordeum murinum or “Hare Barley,” a non-native invader from Spain, grows in healthy, thick patches along the trails and in open spaces where people walk their dogs. What appears to be innocent, lush grass in early… Continue Reading
My 3-year-old fox terrier (whom we have had since a puppy) bit my 9 year old daughter. My daughter simply walked near our dog as she was by the garbage. Normally you can approach or even take food from the… Continue Reading
Once there was a dog trainer who said, “If your dog won’t come when you call, he isn’t your dog.” A provocative statement, but I must say, I agree with him. If you can’t successfully call your dog, his life is limited… Continue Reading
I see foxtails. Everywhere. Hordeum murinum or “Hare Barley,” a non-native invader from Spain, grows in healthy, thick patches along the trails and in open spaces where people walk their dogs. What appears to be innocent, lush grass in early… Continue Reading
Any relationship would be taxed if one of the parties involved insisted on winning all the time. Golf, tennis, racquetball – what if your friend just HAD to win every game, refused to relinquish the ball and ran taunting circles… Continue Reading
Dog trainers talk about the importance of providing good leadership and structure for pet dogs. Unfortunately, the public is most familiar with terms such as “alpha” and “show him who is boss.” But we love dogs; we love their goofy… Continue Reading
Some of the most cringe-worthy phone calls I receive are those from desperate pet owners describing how their two dogs have, “started fighting out of the blue.” I cringe because 99.9% of the time, the call comes long after the… Continue Reading