Proposals Sought: Park Your Public Art Idea on a Bench

The Siskiyou Arts Council, in partnership with the Dunsmuir Revitalization and Weed’s Main Street Pride, are asking for proposals for public art benches. The purpose of this project is to put art in public places and to add to the… Continue Reading


Redding’s Man of Steel Streeby Reaches New Heights

Artist John Streeby has been a permanent fixture at Dennis Halkides’ new Gallery833 on Mistletoe Lane since it opened late last year. That’s where John met Joe Wong, local entrepreneur and business owner. Or rather, that’s where Joe Wong met… Continue Reading


Big Surprises in Idaho’s Little Capitol

After a visit to the Tsar Nicoulai caviar farm in Idaho’s Magic Valley, “Two Guys in a Minivan” headed north, en route to Boise. Here’s the next installment of reporter Adam Mankoski’s roadtrip adventure. Regardless of your belief in god… Continue Reading


Dana To Downtown Puts Double-Double Drivers on Easy Street

Starting this week, motorists who have just gorged on a Double-Double and chocolate shake should be able to exit the In-n-Out Burger parking lot on Dana Drive with ease. The improved access to burgers is only one upshot of the… Continue Reading