North American Butterfly Association Annual Butterfly Count, June 5 for Big Chico Creek Region, led by Dr. Don Miller

On Friday June 5, nature enthusiasts will gather at 8:30 am at the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve just outside of Forest Ranch to conduct the 9th Annual Butterfly Count for the Big Chico Creek Region, Dr. Don Miller tells… Continue Reading


Designing A Pollinator Garden

PHOTO: A hummingbird hovers near hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea). As I write, the first rain of the fall season (which coincidentally begins according to the calednar on Sunday the 22nd with the Autumnal Equinox) is cheering up the forecast. The… Continue Reading


On Bees and Being: Easy Home Garden Beekeeping

Chances are, if you are reading this you are a gardener, plant lover or amateur naturalist of some variety. And chances are, as one of these, you are quite easily able to close your eyes and conjure the happy sound… Continue Reading


Bats – Friends in the Garden – with Mount Shasta’s Ray Miller

There’s a lot to love about the garden in winter. But I do miss some things from the summer garden. For instance, I miss my bats. Of course, they are not technically “my” bats, but rather a small colony that… Continue Reading


The Lovely Wild Buckwheats – Eriogonum in the Garden – an interview with John Whittlesey, Canyon Creek Nursery & Design

It’s August. It’s hot and dry in interior northern California and in most cases, our gardens are looking a little…worn, a little worse for the wear of our long, hot, dry summers. Every gardener I know, prefaces a high or… Continue Reading