North American Butterfly Association Annual Butterfly Count, June 5 for Big Chico Creek Region, led by Dr. Don Miller

On Friday June 5, nature enthusiasts will gather at 8:30 am at the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve just outside of Forest Ranch to conduct the 9th Annual Butterfly Count for the Big Chico Creek Region, Dr. Don Miller tells… Continue Reading

Butterflies, Blossoms Signal Spring in RB Friday

What: Butterflies and Blossoms Signal Spring at the Red Bluff Art Gallery When: May 7, 5 to 8 p.m. Where: Red Bluff Art Gallery 601 Walnut Street (across from Wells Fargo Bank) “In Pursuit of Blossoms,” a collection of vibrant… Continue Reading

Bring on the butterflies,
By Marc Soares

You know from reading Food for Thought that Marc Soares is a wealth of information as a landscape horticulturalist. But you may not know that Marc is a talented musician and the leader of Indigo Brew, a jazz band. Upcoming gigs include two weekends at C.R. Gibbs on Hilltop Drive in Redding: May 9 and 10 and May 23 and 24, 7:30-10:30 p.m. If you get a chance, check it out. Doni

Butterflies are like dream flowers that escape into the sunshine. Continue Reading