A Shared Vision, Spanning Decades: The Redding Area’s Trail System

Back in the 1970s, the only thing resembling a “Sacramento River Trail” in Redding was an old railroad grade on the hillside between the river and some west Redding neighborhoods. Much as today, a thick layer of medium-sized rock covered… Continue Reading

Salmon Restoration Project to Begin at Whiskeytown

Work to improve Chinook salmon and steelhead trout habitat within Clear Creek below Whiskeytown Dam will soon begin at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. Gravel suitable for spawning fish is being placed in or along Clear Creek at several locations between… Continue Reading


Tending a Borrowed Earth, Igo Pair Live Their Environmental Ethic

Al Carter and I are walking through the blackberry brambles and poison oak on his newly acquired property along Clear Creek, between Placer Road and Whiskeytown National Recreation Area in the vicinity of Igo. Carter seems not to care that… Continue Reading

Win A Bicycle, Change The World

All right, maybe you can’t change the world by winning, or giving away, a couple of bicycles. But it’s clear that the bicycle essay contest sponsored by Healthy Shasta, The Bike Shop and the Safe Routes to School program is… Continue Reading


Our Recreation Trails Just Get Better

The new exercise course along the lower stretch of Clear Creek must be the most incongruous trail project in Shasta County. But building a par course in the semi-wilderness must not be too bad an idea, because I keep going… Continue Reading