2014 Gatekeepers’ Shining Affair Art, Beer and Wine Tasting on the Diestelhorst Bridge

A celebration and fundraiser for ShiningCare’s Gatekeeper Program will be held Saturday, Sept 13th from 5:30PM – 10:00PM. Guests will stroll across the Diestlehorst Bridge at twilight while listening to live music, tasting fine wines and craft beers, viewing art… Continue Reading


Commemorate the Diestelhorst Family, Reid’s Ferry, Today

Three area organizations will unveil and dedicate twin bronze 18-by-24 inch markers during a presentation today, October 8, at 11 a.m. The Rotary Club of Redding, Shasta Historical Society and the Ancient and Honorable Order of E. Clampus Vitus have… Continue Reading


Sunset on Redding’s Diestelhorst Bridge

“I took this photo on Monday, standing on the Diestelhorst at sunset. I thought it came out well (with my iPhone, no less). Kind of a thought that even after 10 years of post 9-11 life, there is still some beauty in the world.” Continue Reading


A Shared Vision, Spanning Decades: The Redding Area’s Trail System

Back in the 1970s, the only thing resembling a “Sacramento River Trail” in Redding was an old railroad grade on the hillside between the river and some west Redding neighborhoods. Much as today, a thick layer of medium-sized rock covered… Continue Reading