Work to improve Chinook salmon and steelhead trout habitat within Clear Creek below Whiskeytown Dam will soon begin at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. Gravel suitable for spawning fish is being placed in or along Clear Creek at several locations between Whiskeytown Dam and the National Environmental Education Development (NEED) Camp. This gravel replaces the material that would have naturally moved downstream prior to the completion of Whiskeytown Dam in 1963.
Salmon returned to Whiskeytown after the removal of McCormick-Saeltzer Dam downstream of the park in 2000 and have benefited from similar projects along Clear Creek, both within and downstream of the park. These fish migrate from the Pacific Ocean up the Sacramento River and into Clear Creek to spawn.
Peltier Valley Road between Paige Bar Road and Peltier Bridge will be closed at times to provide for the safe use of gravel trucks and construction equipment in this area. The closures will occur Monday through Friday during normal business hours beginning on Monday, July 25. Peltier Bridge Campground will also be closed on weekdays between July 25 and August 12. The road will be open to visitors on the weekends. The NPS anticipates the work in the Peltier Valley Road and Peltier Bridge Campground area will be completed by August 12th.
If you have questions regarding this project, please contact Russ Weatherbee at (530) 242-3442. For more information about Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, please visit the park website at
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