The Grand Jury (And Its Sometimes Not so Grand Uses)

The recent events surrounding the refusal of two Grand Juries to approve the prosecution of police officers for killing unarmed civilians in Ferguson Missouri and New York City have received so much attention, that I thought it might be helpful… Continue Reading


Burglary at Knauf, Suspect Apprehended

On 8-10-2014, at 1600 hours, Deputy Jerry Fernandez located Michael Miceli riding a bicycle on Shasta Dam Blvd. Deputy Fernandez recognized Miceli from security camera footage he had viewed from a burglary to the Knauf fiberglass plant. Knauf has been… Continue Reading


Little League’s Challengers Division: Where Everyone’s Able

It’s a warm Saturday morning at the Shasta Dam Area Little League Fields. Gray pines and maples surround the fields where baseball, that great American sport, is in full swing. The players are here, decked out in their jerseys with… Continue Reading