Supervisor Jones Hid Attorney General’s Bombshell Letter that Exonerated District Attorney

Friday morning, as District 1 Supervisor Kevin Crye pontificated and opined about Shasta County business from outside a Redding coffee shop in front of an audience of nearly 20 supporters and curious citizens, North State social media sites were simultaneously… Continue Reading


Misogynistic MAGA Supervisors Attack Successful Women in Zogg Fire Witch Hunt

Sometimes, I miss the good old days before “woke” when you could call a moron a moron. These days, to soften the blow, we employ fancy scientific-sounding euphemisms such as the Dunning-Kruger effect to describe those unfortunate individuals with limited… Continue Reading


No Justice for West Valley Victims: Hell Hath No Fury Like Protective Mothers

Two years after their sons were victims of hazing and sexual assault by bigger, older varsity football players, a pair of mothers still await justice, not just for their boys, but every student brutalized while attending West Valley High School.… Continue Reading


DA Stephanie Bridgett Fights Back as Shasta County District Attorney Primary Race Heats Up

It didn’t take long for Shasta County District Attorney contender Erik Jensen to blow himself out of the water at the League of Women Voters’ candidate forum earlier this month. After burnishing his conservative bona fides and mocking the LWV… Continue Reading


Courthouse Day for Carlos; From a Lonely Hearing to Paltry ‘Protest’

Considering the quagmire of legal entanglements that Carlos Zapata currently faces, it’s no wonder he’s been MIA from his pet Red White and Blueprint docuseries. Not to mention he was also a no-show at the Gover Ranch RW&B fundraiser, which… Continue Reading


Don’t Blame Winter; Chief Johnson Had the Idea First

Redding City Councilwoman Julie Winter has been getting plenty of negative press, but I think it’s time we even out the blame a little. After all, she wasn’t the first in Shasta County to come up with the idea of… Continue Reading