Pursuit for Truth About Anderson Police Chief’s Paid Leave Plagued by Lack of Transparency

A News Café received multiple tips in recent weeks that Anderson Police Department’s Chief of Police Jon Poletski was placed on leave, and his peace officer powers were suspended. In the search for answers regarding Chief Poletski, this reporter dug… Continue Reading


Lack of Decorum, Discriminatory Enforcement of Speaker Guidelines Causes Chaos at Shasta County Board of Supervisors Meeting

Never in my 45 years of covering public meetings at every level — from tiny school boards in Shasta County up to the California State Legislature — have I ever witnessed democracy devolve into such total anarchy and chaos as… Continue Reading


Courtney Kreider Responds to Sagging Popularity of Red, White & Blueprint/Carlos Zapata, as Alt-Right Freedom Coalition Gains Ground

Early in 2021, the Red, White and Blueprint media company was hot. In addition to posting docuseries episodes and podcasts, RW&B was known for widely spreading misinformation about COVID-19 and stirring up trouble with Shasta County politics, while supporting the… Continue Reading


9/23 UPDATE: Jury Deliberations Begin in Zapata, Bailey, Meagher Trial

You couldn’t ask for two more different attorneys than Joseph Tully and Nolan Weber to argue opposite sides of the People vs. Carlos Zapata/ Elizabeth Bailey/Christopher Meagher case. It’s the story of the tortoise and the hare. Zapata’s criminal defense… Continue Reading


Nathan Pinkney Grilled by Zapata Attorney Who Excludes Journalist Doni Chamberlain from Trial

Last Wednesday evening, my good friend and colleague A News Cafe publisher Doni Chamberlain sent me an urgent email. Chamberlain is covering the triple joined trial of Emiliano Carlos Zapata, Christopher Meagher and Elizabeth Bailey on charges that the trio… Continue Reading


Red, White & Blueprint Episode 5: Attack on Public Workers Built on Foundation of Lies

District 4 Shasta County Supervisor Patrick Henry Jones is an inveterate liar. As more than one victim of Jones’s prevarications has commented to me, he just makes stuff up. Case in point: About halfway through Episode 5 of Red, White… Continue Reading


Questionable Conduct Abounds Among Shasta County Law Enforcement Officials

Imagine a place where a lieutenant employed by the county sheriff’s department owns a gun shop, promoted by a Facebook page filled with extreme right-wing content, that sells, not only guns, but also gear representing the State of Jefferson secessionist… Continue Reading


Courthouse Day for Carlos; From a Lonely Hearing to Paltry ‘Protest’

Considering the quagmire of legal entanglements that Carlos Zapata currently faces, it’s no wonder he’s been MIA from his pet Red White and Blueprint docuseries. Not to mention he was also a no-show at the Gover Ranch RW&B fundraiser, which… Continue Reading


Police Arrest Man Who Beat Victim into Unconsciousness; Charges Include Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Elder Abuse

Christopher Joseph Meagher, whose violent acts were captured on The Tropics bar surveillance footage,  is in custody at the Shasta County Jail for his attack upon a hearing-impaired man who’s known thus far as only “Bob”. Meagher, 45, who also… Continue Reading