Commencement Services Held for Inmates

On Thursday evening, August 28, 2014, the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office hosted the 2013-2014 Learning Center Commencement for men and women incarcerated at the Shasta County Jail. In cooperation with the Anderson High School District, Shasta Union High School District,… Continue Reading


Start a Dirty Little Mother’s Day Tradition

Flowers and brunch make for fine Mother’s Day traditions. But maybe you and Mom are in the mood for something a little different. Something that involves getting your hands dirty. How about a workshop that involves preparing soil and planting… Continue Reading

A Big Ol’ Portion Of Local Food And Activities

I’m pleased to see growers, retailers and consumers in the Redding area joining the local and slow food movements. I’m no zealot, but I don’t know how anyone can deny that fresh, locally grown food tastes better than processed or… Continue Reading