Know the Facts about Obamacare

It’s interesting to me when someone says that they hate “Obamacare” (the popular name for the Affordable Care Act-ACA). This law is complex and far reaching. Most people simply don’t understand how many areas are affected by the law. Most… Continue Reading


Unravelling ObamaCare Step by Step, Inch by Inch

Much like The 3 Stooges or Abbott & Costello in the famous Niagara Falls sketch, unravelling the ACA (Affordable Care Act also known as ObamaCare) is following this path: “Slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch…” Although the… Continue Reading


Affordable Care Act and The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015

In this column, I have stressed repeatedly that what drives health insurance premiums is primarily health care costs! The ACA (Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare) attempted to address this issue by encouraging participation in ACO’s (Accountable Care Organization). Medicare defines… Continue Reading