Mystery Solved Regarding Why Trump’s Name is Missing From Voter Guide’s GOP Party Endorsement

By now, California voters should have received their Presidential General Election Voter Information Guide in the mail. Here in Shasta County, former President Donald Trump is rock-star popular. His followers are anxious to see Trump return to the White House.… Continue Reading


Letter to the Editor: A Plea to Trump Supporters — Before Voting, Consider All that You’re Supporting

This is my somewhat humble — likely futile, hoping not — attempt at trying to reason with those who consider themselves as some sort of “better version” of MAGA; those who consider themselves to be conservative, moderate, reasonable, caring, middle-of-the… Continue Reading


Sean Feucht & Far-Right Christians Descend on Washington, D.C. for Sept. 11 ‘Let Us Worship’ Event

To commemorate the 20-year anniversary of the September 11 attacks, Redding-based Christian singer, songwriter and worship leader Sean Feucht hosted a two-day “Let Us Worship” event at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The event took place on September 11 and… Continue Reading


Deconstructing Winter and Dahle’s Faith and Values

Twenty years ago this week, brothers Benjamin and Tyler Williams, armed with nothing more than sincerely held religious beliefs and a small caliber pistol, invaded the Happy Valley home of Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder and killed the gay couple… Continue Reading