MenuPlease: Tortuga Bay Grill – There’s something happening here; what it is ain’t exactly clear

Femme de Joie was cheered when she heard that Chef Jeff Cerasaro was slated to open up shop again in the old Fiesta Azteca spot on Park Marina Drive (long-time residents will remember that as the old Jolly King when… Continue Reading


Shasta College Student Essay: Where’s the Bacon?: Sky-High Unemployment and a New Opportunity

(Editor’s note: This is a Shasta College student essay, submitted for extra class credit as a letter to the editor.) It’s no secret that the United States’ fourteen digit national debt is looming over America’s citizens. With the recession in… Continue Reading


Shasta College Student Essay: ‘Where Did You Get That?’

There are so many ways to give out your personal information and put it right into the hands of the wrong people. How many times have you entered your personal information into those pop-up adds for sweepstakes? Or how many… Continue Reading


Shasta College Student Essay: Reforming in the Wrong Direction

Prisons around the United States are massively overpopulated, with some at the extreme of 200% overpopulation (Prison secretary). Prison systems are scrambling to stifle the conflict before the problem grows out of hand. Prison Town USA, or more formally known… Continue Reading


Shasta College Student Essay by Rebekah Williams: Occupy Redding

On October 11, 2011, nearly 75 people gathered in front of Redding banks as part of the Redding Occupy Wall Street demonstration (Longoria). The demonstration, inspired by the national Occupy Wall Street movement, was organized by the local American Dream… Continue Reading


‘Freecycle’ Your Old Clothes at MLK Center

Most schools open the classroom doors next week, which means the little ones – who are growing bigger – need new clothes. Redding’s MLK Multicultural Center has a way for parents and grandparents to get those clothes for the very… Continue Reading


Buckhorn Grade Improvement Project To Resume In September

The summertime drive from overheated Redding to the refreshing waters of the Trinity River and the Pacific Ocean may be easier in a few years, but vacationers might have to share the highway with more big rigs. The next round… Continue Reading