He Ain’t Crazy, He’s Your Brother

It’s funny how some people are eager to tell everyone they know about their high blood pressure or gout or last week’s asthma attack. The conversation may quickly turn into too much information, but you nod your head and say… Continue Reading

The Tree Goddess: Celebrate Arbor Day with a Festa

With Arbor Day close at hand, I would like to share a little history of this holiday we tree-huggers look forward to each year. The whole thing started with a man by the name of J. Sterling Morton. Morton shared… Continue Reading

The Tree Goddess: Marie Stadther, Lead Gardener and Tree Educator, McConnell Arboretum & Botanical Gardens

Imagine if you will a world without trees. Virtually no trees. What would it look like? Feel like? Vast. Spare. Hot. Cold. Windswept. Desert landscapes, grassland prairies and plains come to my mind. In their own way these almost tree-less… Continue Reading