Six Ways to (Unintentionally) Kill Your Tree

Generally, trees in an urban setting live only a fraction of their lifespan. The most common cause of death is the stress that a tree undergoes from neglect and/or bad practices. The following is a list of 6 ways you… Continue Reading


Joshua Trees, Part 2: Desert Native No Match for Global Warming

Occasionally, I read articles on an online science newsletter called Science Daily. While recently scrolling through the various articles about nature, I found one concerning Joshua trees. Since I recently went on a trip to Joshua Tree National Park, the… Continue Reading


Tree Goddess: In the Vast Desert, There Is Strange Life

I hadn’t visited my homeland in Indio, California for almost three years. I wasn’t sure what to expect because development has been expanding at a scary rate since I last resided there. Late this winter, I decided to endure the 11-hour drive… Continue Reading


Tree Goddess: Killing 130-year-old Oaks is More than Mischief

For years, students of Alabama’s Auburn University have celebrated athletic achievements by gathering at a place called Toomer’s Corner and toilet-papering the two live oaks that have flourished there for more than 130 years. Tragically, in early December 2010, a 62-year-old… Continue Reading


In 2011, the World Marks ‘Year of Forests’

Happy new year everyone! This is a landmark year for forestry. The United Nations have designated 2011 as the International Year of Forests! The theme is “Celebrating Forests for People,” honoring the central role people play in sustainable management and… Continue Reading