‘Cooking at the Cascade’ Served Fun, Food & Films

What a fun four weeks, but alas, all good things must come to an end. Friday’s Cooking at the Cascade finale was a blast, although a bit different in format from the previous three Fridays. First, Linda Regan-Bott and Carl Bott (Linda’s main-man… Continue Reading


Cooking at the Cascade 7.17.09 Recipes from Market Street Steakhouse and Tapas Downtown

  As promised, here are the recipes demonstrated at Friday’s Cooking at the Cascade: Market Street Steakhouse’s version of the Caipirinha (kie-pur-REEN-yah) cocktail and Tapas Downtown’s Beef Molé.  Enjoy! Market St. Steakhouse Caipirinha Caipirinha is the national drink of Brazil, made with… Continue Reading


Cooking at the Cascade: Pio Loco & Downtown Eatery Recipes (pssst … added *surprise)

As promised, here are the recipes from Friday’s Cooking at the Cascade demos. The first recipe, Southern Fusion Cheese-Stuffed Cheese, inspired by that evening’s film, Fried Green Tomatoes, was the brainchild of Downtown Eatery & Libation’s Chef Taylor Smith (that’s him, above,… Continue Reading


Something Good is ‘Cooking at the Cascade’ (again)

Dinner and a Movie at the Cascade Theatre was so much fun in January that come Friday, we’ll enjoy the first of a four-part encore. Bravo! It’s the same concept – popular culinary-themed films, food demos and delicious samples – with just a few changes.… Continue Reading