Reach Higher: Heading to College, Part 1

Every August and September for the last twenty-four years, I’ve been helping students transition to college – adjusting to the dorms, going through orientation, helping them understand academic requirements and what it will be like to leave their parents. This… Continue Reading


Reach Higher: Kindergarten Readiness

Parents are their children’s first and most loved teachers.  They begin setting the stage for their children’s school success far earlier than they may realize. Positive experiences and language rich environments where young children can explore, play, and learn lay… Continue Reading

Reach Higher: Shasta County Students Head Back to School

Students from across the US are turning in their swimsuits for backpacks and heading back to school. Soon summer will evaporate, school will start and the school bell will ring in the new school year. Students will show up on the… Continue Reading


A College-Going Culture is Possible in the North State

It is not unreasonable to assume a few observations on your behalf:  you know somebody who has gone off to college and not returned; you know somebody who doesn’t believe in the value of college education; and you know somebody… Continue Reading


Task Force Invites Community to Help Students Reach Higher

Shasta County education officials kicked off a countywide initiative Monday aimed at improving students’ chances of educational and economic success after high school. During a Women’s Fund lunchtime forum in the Redding Library’s community room, the audience of nearly 130… Continue Reading