Misogynistic MAGA Supervisors Attack Successful Women in Zogg Fire Witch Hunt

Sometimes, I miss the good old days before “woke” when you could call a moron a moron. These days, to soften the blow, we employ fancy scientific-sounding euphemisms such as the Dunning-Kruger effect to describe those unfortunate individuals with limited… Continue Reading


District 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones’ Vote to Eliminate Impact Fees: 1 More Reason to Vote for Matt Plummer

At last week’s Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting, District 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones touted Redding’s experience with reducing new development impact fees while he was on the city council to justify eliminating such fees for the unincorporated areas of… Continue Reading


MAGA Board Majority Shifts New Development Costs onto Shasta County Taxpayers

In a move newly appointed Shasta County Board of Supervisors chair Kevin Crye claimed would “spur growth” and help the “little guy,” the MAGA board majority voted 3-2 to suspend new development impact fees in the unincorporated county during Tuesday’s… Continue Reading


Chair Jones and Dr. Frank Think Shasta County Voters are Stupid and Lazy. Let’s Prove Them Wrong.

  “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics,” Mark Twain famously wrote in the late 19th century. The phrase didn’t originate with Twain, but he’s the writer who popularized it, and it still applies today. Consider… Continue Reading


Millville Plains Residents Sue Chair Jones, Shasta County and Supervisors to Stop Gun Range Project

Millville Plains residents filed a lawsuit demanding a halt to any construction on the High Plains Shooting Sports Center until a full environmental impact report has been completed, according to a writ of mandate filed in the Shasta County Superior… Continue Reading


No Chairman Patrick Jones, You’re Not Over the Target, You ARE the Target!

With his nearly shaved skull sitting atop a blue button-down shirt like a scratched cue ball sinking in a corner pocket, Shasta County Board of Supervisors Chairman and Lex Luther lookalike Patrick Jones appeared on One America News last week… Continue Reading


Gateway School Board Special Election: One Candidate Desires Stability, One Candidate Promises More Chaos, Sec State Warns County

Ask anyone who’s upset about the hard right turn the Gateway Unified School District board of trustees has taken since three ultraconservative members seized the board majority one year ago and the word that comes up most often is “chaos.”… Continue Reading