In the Closet of Jefferson State – Part 2: Homophobic and White Christian Supremacist Hate

Editorial Note: In this second part of a four-part series, Shawn Schwaller examines why the creation of Jefferson State is not only highly unlikely to happen, but also an exceptionally bad idea from several standpoints. Throughout the series, he will… Continue Reading


Deconstructing Winter and Dahle’s Faith and Values

Twenty years ago this week, brothers Benjamin and Tyler Williams, armed with nothing more than sincerely held religious beliefs and a small caliber pistol, invaded the Happy Valley home of Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder and killed the gay couple… Continue Reading


The Truth Behind Bethel’s Gay Panic

Danger, Shasta County, danger. The gays are coming. They’re building a freeway through your house. While you’re putting out the fire in the barn, they’re torching the bank. There’s no telling what these inherently immoral gay people will get up… Continue Reading