Questionable Conduct Abounds Among Shasta County Law Enforcement Officials

Imagine a place where a lieutenant employed by the county sheriff’s department owns a gun shop, promoted by a Facebook page filled with extreme right-wing content, that sells, not only guns, but also gear representing the State of Jefferson secessionist… Continue Reading


The Zapatas Expound Upon COVID Denial, Toxic Masculinity & So-Called Anti-Communist Freedom-Fighters

On Sun., June 6, Carlos Zapata, one of the leaders of the movement that’s documenting the recall of three Republican members of the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in order to replace them with far-right-thinking individuals, appeared with his wife… Continue Reading


In the Closet of Jefferson State – Part 3: Racism, White Supremacist Neo-Nazis, Militias & the State of Jefferson Proud Boys

The 21 counties that constitute the proposed boundaries of the State of Jefferson (SOJ) are home to a diverse collection of beautiful landscapes. From the Humboldt and Mendocino County coastline to the many mountain ranges, to the mighty Sacramento River and the valley it calls home, it is a place to experience the wonders of the great outdoors. Continue Reading


In the Closet of Jefferson State – Part 2: Homophobic and White Christian Supremacist Hate

Editorial Note: In this second part of a four-part series, Shawn Schwaller examines why the creation of Jefferson State is not only highly unlikely to happen, but also an exceptionally bad idea from several standpoints. Throughout the series, he will… Continue Reading