Crye pushes tribal mitigation agreement despite objections from Sheriff, D.A., Fire Chief

Despite objections from the county’s Sheriff, Fire Chief and District Attorney, and also without review by legal counsel or risk management staff, Shasta County’s Board of Supervisors voted 4 – 1 to accept a 30-year mitigation agreement with Redding Rancheria… Continue Reading


Destructive Board Majority Wins Again: Shasta County Loses Distinguished, Embattled CEO

District 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones got his wish. Tragically, Jones’ granted wish puts Shasta County in even greater peril. Matt Pontes, Shasta County’s CEO for just 26 months, disclosed to staff Wednesday that he will leave his position as the… Continue Reading


Shasta County Supes Say No to State Divorce; Table 2nd Amendment Vote After Colorado Shootings

Congratulations, Shasta County. You’re still married to California. For better or worse, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad. Until, well, whenever. But just for the sake of discussion, should Shasta County have divorced itself from… Continue Reading


Supervisors’ Acts of Defiance May Have Consequences After All

A few strange things happened Tuesday at the Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting. But before we examine the meeting’s most bizarre parts, I’d be guilty of burying the lead if I didn’t share one of the most stunning developments.… Continue Reading