Zogg Fire Settlement Issues Reignite Shasta County Board Discussion Yet Again, Reopens Victims’ Trauma Wounds

For the third time in three weeks, Shasta County Supervisors met Friday in special session to discuss the $50 million Zogg Fire civil settlement reached between District Attorney Stephanie Bridgett and officers of Pacific Gas & Electric, as well as… Continue Reading


Crye pushes tribal mitigation agreement despite objections from Sheriff, D.A., Fire Chief

Despite objections from the county’s Sheriff, Fire Chief and District Attorney, and also without review by legal counsel or risk management staff, Shasta County’s Board of Supervisors voted 4 – 1 to accept a 30-year mitigation agreement with Redding Rancheria… Continue Reading


The Neverending Trial of James Benno and Sons

On a sunny Saturday afternoon in an undisclosed Redding location, James Benno was choosing his words very carefully. Who can blame him? I’m asking him questions about concentrated cannabis, and just two days earlier, the Shasta County District Attorney’s office… Continue Reading