Supervisors’ Acts of Defiance May Have Consequences After All

A few strange things happened Tuesday at the Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting. But before we examine the meeting’s most bizarre parts, I’d be guilty of burying the lead if I didn’t share one of the most stunning developments.… Continue Reading


Since Mother’s Day, No Known Rodeo-Linked COVID Cases. Dumb Luck?

It’s been 18 days since the Mother’s Day Cottonwood Rodeo, an event that garnered worldwide controversy for attracting and packing in nearly 2000 people, despite a COVID-19 ban against large gatherings. Shasta County has seen six new positive COVID-19 cases… Continue Reading


Hold on. Be patient. A little while longer.

  It was a clear and sunny July day on a Trindad, California, beach during our family’s vacation. We lucked out and had the entire shoreline to ourselves. My son and sister surf-fished for perch that we planned to beer-batter… Continue Reading

Health Director: Include Tdap Vaccine in Back-to-School Preparations

As the new school year approaches, some may feel overwhelmed with gathering up school supplies, shopping for school clothes and perhaps wrapping up that final vacation of summer. Most of us have no desire to add one more thing to… Continue Reading