Just Sayin’: Happy Anniversary!

  Do you guys realize that we’ve been meeting here at anewscafe.com for what will be four, count ‘em: FOUR years, come November 2015? I know! Surprised the heck out of me too. When I was looking back over some… Continue Reading


Just Sayin’: Time for Another Railroad Trip?

Somewhere, in the back of my memory, I think I promised I would write more about train travel. Did we talk about Donner Summit? No? I didn’t think so. Many of the train trips that used to be a fairly… Continue Reading


Just Sayin’: It All Makes Scents, Cents, Sense…

Do you ever wonder about nonsensical stuff like: Why do we have five senses? Do you ever wonder if there is a possibility that there are other senses of which we are not aware just because, well, we’re not aware… Continue Reading


Just Sayin’: As My Mother Used to Say …

Any of you who have spoken with me for more than two minutes know that my conversations are liberally sprinkled with “ . . . as my mother used to say. . .” My mother was a very wise woman,… Continue Reading


Just Sayin’: Comin ‘round the Mountain!

“So, where are we going this time?” For me that is one of the most exciting ( freighted with possibilities and anticipation ) phrases that anyone can utter. I don’t care if it’s a walk, a car ride, a train… Continue Reading


Just Sayin’: Children! What Good Are They, Anyway?

As I watch the news and just live life day to day, I notice that regardless of the country, ethnicity, social strata or economic development, children are pretty much welcomed into this world with unmitigated joy. Then life happens. What… Continue Reading


Just Sayin’: Once More, with Feeling – The Topic of Love

In February I sat down to write a piece about love. Well, it was Valentine’s Day after all.  I hadn’t written anything productive for a few weeks, so I put on my self-discipline hat and set to work. Oh, I… Continue Reading


Just Sayin’: Hindsight Subject (Does It) Matter?

So, I whined to Doni the other day, “What happens if I run out of stuff about which to write?” She answered something to the effect of, “If you’re still alive, you’re making new material!” Oh! Well, there’s a bit… Continue Reading


Just Sayin’: The Fine Art of Procrastination

Ah, the fine art of procrastination. It is an art, you know. And there are rules; very important ones. Admittedly, the rules and the art are usually only known to the perpetrator. How do I know all this? Because I,… Continue Reading