Board of Supes 1/07: 2014 Officers; Indigent Health Care Services

The Board of Supervisors met briefly on this first Tuesday of the new year.  The first order of business was to elect officers for 2014.  Supervisor Les Baugh was elected Chairman and Supervisor Leonard Moty elected Vice Chairman, both unanimously.  Supervisor Baugh… Continue Reading

Board of Supes 12/17: General Assistance Program; California Air Resources Board; County Employee Salary Levels; Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy; New Positions in Specialty Courts

This Board meeting included two actions related to health care that signal encouraging changes for Shasta County residents. The Board conducted a “Beilenson hearing”, or public hearing. State law requires that before a county can reduce or eliminate or change medical or health care services to the public, it must Continue Reading

Board of Supes 12/10: Bill of Rights Day; Cattlemen’s Association; Salary Increase for Public Employees

This Board meeting included two actions related to health care that signal encouraging changes for Shasta County residents. The Board conducted a “Beilenson hearing”, or public hearing. State law requires that before a county can reduce or eliminate or change medical or health care services to the public, it must Continue Reading

Board of Supes 12/03: Axing Empty Clinics; In-home Services Wage Changes; Reducing Low Income Housing Vouchers; Housing for Mentally Ill

This Board meeting included two actions related to health care that signal encouraging changes for Shasta County residents. The Board conducted a “Beilenson hearing”, or public hearing. State law requires that before a county can reduce or eliminate or change medical or health care services to the public, it must Continue Reading


Board of Supes 11/12: Teeter Revenue; JFK Memorial Drive Rehabilitation; Pay Increases; Northern Sacramento Valley Water Plan

Note: There will be no Board of Supervisors for the next two weeks, November 19 and November 26.  Enjoy the holiday! In a sign of a recovering economy, the Board acted to recognize $2 million in “Teeter”  revenue.  Teeter is… Continue Reading


Board of Supes 11/5: Veterans Awareness Week; Anderson Tax Exchange; Affordable Care Act; Water Regulatory Program

The Supervisors meeting on November 5 was the first after three weeks away for me, and the Board was kind enough to provide a brief meeting for my re-entry.  The Board passed a resolution designating November 5-11 Veterans Awareness Week.… Continue Reading


Board of Supes 10/8: Appointing Members to BBA; Lights On Afterschool Day; Broadband in CA; Logging and County Credit Cards

Note:  This will be my last column until November 5.  I’m leaving for a grand European odyssey! The Board of Supervisors meeting on October 8 was brief and business-like.  Last week the Board voted to strengthen the Board of Building… Continue Reading

Board of Supes 10/1: Board of Building Appeals; Beekeeping and Tax Sharing Between Counties

The Board of Supervisors considered at some length hearing procedures and an appointment process for vacancies on the Board of Building Appeals.  The BBA, as it is known, is an independent body, appointed by the Board of Supervisors.  The BBA… Continue Reading

Board of Supes 9/24: Clover Fire Assistance; Thank You Letter to Dignity Health North State and Mercy Medical Center

The Board of Supervisors meeting this day was brief and non-controversial.  The primary focus was on assistance for those affected by the Clover Fire in Happy Valley/Igo.    Supervisor Leonard Moty announced a Local Assistance Center, open Wednesday, September 25 and… Continue Reading


Board of Supes 9/19: Growing Medical Marijuana; Declaration of Local Emergency; Brave Faces Project

The Shasta County Board of Supervisors approved a resolution at this meeting to consider amendments to the County’s ordinance regulating the growing of marijuana for medical purposes. This action initiated a process of 2-4 months that includes staff drafting of… Continue Reading