Reflections in a Mirror (While Shaving): Part 25
• The plumber came to unplug my drain…he said it was hair. He looked a little startled when I gave him a high five and a large tip. I was so proud I had enough hair left to clog a… Continue Reading
• The plumber came to unplug my drain…he said it was hair. He looked a little startled when I gave him a high five and a large tip. I was so proud I had enough hair left to clog a… Continue Reading
• I once ran a marathon without training. Hell, I don’t know what I was thinking either. When it became obvious I was going to collect yet another trophy for last place, I ducked into the bushes and lit a cigarette.
• I write in short choppy sentences because that’s the way my mind tosses it out. I’ve been warned that it’s coming out that way or not at all … Continue Reading