Reflections in The Mirror (While Shaving): Part 27

A little advice to men posting photos on a dating service … don’t pose wearing a wife-beater T-shirt, while holding up a fish (bigger is not better) with your pit bull Sparky nearby. I heard someone say he was depressed… Continue Reading


Reflections in a Mirror (While Shaving): Part 26

My mustache recently had its 30th birthday so I whacked it. The logic for doing so, like the hair, was a little gray and fuzzy. When my upper lip was visible, I immediately remembered why I covered it for so… Continue Reading


Reflections in a Mirror (While Shaving): Part 25

• The plumber came to unplug my drain…he said it was hair. He looked a little startled when I gave him a high five and a large tip. I was so proud I had enough hair left to clog a… Continue Reading