As You Desire: Sexual Orientation – Not So Straightforward

Who are you sexually attracted to? What is it about someone that draws you in? What if you lived in a society that told you your sexual preference was unacceptable and you had to, by law, choose the other sex… Continue Reading


As You Desire: Mating Rituals – Hormonal Beer Goggles or True Love?

The early days of a relationship are a time of high energy, creativity and endless nights.  The pheromones (a powerful sex attractant), or perhaps eHarmony, have drawn us together.  We are on our best behavior … we primp, we fuss,… Continue Reading


As You Desire: Perversion or Preference – What’s it to You?

Is it perversion or preference?  You have certain sexual or sensual experiences that make you feel good, that toot your horn, blow your skirt up or knock your socks off. You enjoy acting out your fantasies with others who share in… Continue Reading


As You Desire: Taking Pleasure Into Your Own Hands

Most everybody (speaking of you who will admit to it) is doing it, so why is it so difficult to talk about? Well, we’re talking now — about masturbation. We do realize that sexuality exists from birth to death, right? There is… Continue Reading


As You Desire: Sex in Overdrive – or Can’t Find the Keys?

Did you know that sexual satisfaction has a stronger link to perceived “relationship quality” for men than it does for women? From The Kinsey Institute: Fact One: Sexual dissatisfaction is associated with increased risk of divorce and relationship dissolution. (Karney,… Continue Reading