10 Yoga Hacks to Enjoy ANY Yoga Class

Readers, I’m excited to introduce someone who may be new to many of you, but extremely well-known to me. Meet my daughter, Saeri Star, who will share her wellness and body-related columns here on A News Cafe.com. Please join me… Continue Reading


Health & Wellness from the Inside Out: You Are What You Think.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”-Mahatma Gandhi As the ball drops and we kiss the nearest… Continue Reading


Health & Wellness from the Inside Out: The 5-Minute Oasis

As I turn left onto Highway 44 driving from Palo Cedro into Redding, a woman is on my car’s tail. She swerves right and left behind me, as if in a NASCAR race trying to pass me. I take a deep breath and merge to the right. I am no slow poke on the road, but “Mario Andretti” obviously had places to go and people to see. Continue Reading

This Week at the Loft: Yoga, Tai Chi, Mumblefinger

Tuesday: Yoga Meditation: Open class Tuesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Bohemian Art Loft in Redding. $5. Saturday: Tai Chi for Health: Open class Saturdays, 1 to 2 p.m. at the Bohemian Art Loft. $5. Mumblefinger in concert: Low… Continue Reading

This Week at the Loft: Yoga, Tai Chi, Funk & Jazz

Tuesday: Yoga Meditation: Open Class Tuesdays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Bohemian Art Loft. $5. Wednesday: Spoken Word Night at the Loft: An evening for serious poets, writers, playwrights, storytellers, comedians, and actors of all genres. No censorship. Audience… Continue Reading


As You Desire: Perversion or Preference – What’s it to You?

Is it perversion or preference?  You have certain sexual or sensual experiences that make you feel good, that toot your horn, blow your skirt up or knock your socks off. You enjoy acting out your fantasies with others who share in… Continue Reading


As You Desire: Taking Pleasure Into Your Own Hands

Most everybody (speaking of you who will admit to it) is doing it, so why is it so difficult to talk about? Well, we’re talking now — about masturbation. We do realize that sexuality exists from birth to death, right? There is… Continue Reading