A News Cafe’s R.V. Scheide & Doni Chamberlain Chat About Biden’s Announcement. ‘Hang on to your hat!’

R.V. Scheide: Biden dropped out! Holy cow! Where were you when you heard President Joe Biden was dropping out of the race? What are your first impressions? I had just woken up and was lying in bed reading my phone. It was the first thing I saw when I logged on to X, where Biden’s withdrawal from the race was trending No. 1.

The first thing I felt was relief. I’ve been worried about Biden ever since the disastrous debate performance. Even though Biden has made up for that performance in the past several weeks, it didn’t remove the doubts from the debate.

Doni Chamberlain: Shortly after the news broke about Biden’s announcement I received a Facebook message from one of our ANC peeps who sent the image of Biden’s statement, with the words, “On the national news front. Yikes.”

That was followed by a text message from someone else, who wrote, “Biden’s dropping out. I want off this ride. We’re back to 2016. DNC is pushing a candidate nobody wants and Trump is going to win again.”

I know a lot of Democrats freaked a bit at the news, but like you, I felt relief. I’m glad President Biden didn’t wait any longer than he already did to announce this decision. He’s a proud man, and this can’t have been easy for him. I am grateful he didn’t dig in his heels and refuse to leave. That says a lot about his character.

After the terrible debate between Trump and Biden, we could not un-ring that bell. We could not unsee and un-hear what happened that night. And even though Biden may have had moments of lucidity since then, the whole country has seen the diminished state he’s in. There’s no denying it.

I’m glad Biden stepped down. It was the right thing to do. Trump was looking forward to running against Biden because Trump thought it would have been an easy win, and it very well might have been.

Now, it all depends on who Harris — assuming she’s the Democrats’ presidential candidate – will select for her running mate.

During COVID times in September of 2022, ANC journalists R.V. Scheide and Doni Chamberlain mask up at the Shasta County Courthouse to cover the Carlos Zapata trial.

Scheide: The next question, of course, is can Kamala Harris beat Trump? Kamala is the Democratic front runner until the polls say otherwise. There are four weeks until the convention. It’s going to be crazy.

Chamberlain: Closer to home, I can’t believe we don’t have a more recent photo of us than this one from COVID at the courthouse.

But back to the topic at hand. I know Nancy Pelosi said it was Biden’s decision to continue with his race or drop out, but I was beginning to feel like someone with an elderly loved one who shouldn’t be driving anymore. Ideally, they’d come to the conclusion to turn in their keys voluntarily, but if not, at some point, someone has to step in and take the keys away, for everybody’s safety.

I had a column in progress in my head with the working headline, “The Other Big Lie: Biden’s Ability to Serve”. But he dropped out, so I can skip that column.

But to your question, I don’t think Harris has what it takes personality-wise to take on Trump. That’s why the DNC better get busy drumming up a strong, rational-Republican-palatable candidate as a running mate. Pronto.

Of course, the Trump people are going to drag out all the predictable nasty tropes about Harris. It’s going to be very ugly. Count on it.

I know I’m a dreamer, but I would love to see Pete Buttigieg as her running mate. Unfortunately, I don’t think our current America is ready for a female African American/Asian American president, and a gay VP.

Here’s another dream: Liz Cheney jumps ship and registers as a Dem. The DNC chooses Liz, who selects as her running mate Pete (OK, or maybe a more moderate Dem). The rational Republicans need a safe-haven presidential candidate as a Trump option. I respect Cheney so much for how she handled the January 6 hearings. She’s the enemy of our enemy, which makes her an attractive option, if for no other reason than it would drive Trump insane.

Scheide: The problem with Liz is she voted 98 percent of the time with Trump.

Chamberlain: I know. But we are going to have to make some steep concessions to guarantee we don’t end up with Trump again.

Actually, talking about Cheney has me changing my mind about finding a moderate Democrat for Harris’ running mate. I think the running mate should be someone who leans a little bit more conservative. It’s not about making the Dems happy, because they’ll vote for anyone but Trump. It’s about capturing all the rational Republicans’ votes and beating Trump.

Scheide: I think Kamala and  Sen. Mark Kelly from Arizona — Gabby Giffords’ husband the former astronaut — might be a good pairing. Or even Kamala and Mayor Pete. The more this sinks in the more I think Trump is toast.

Chamberlain: I agree. Trump toast sounds fine. And I think Harris’ running mate should be somebody who helps counteract the fact that Harris is not very popular.  I’ve heard Harris speak. She’s pretty lackluster, and says some bizarre things sometimes.

Scheide: I’ve been studying up on her the past week, she’s a lot more personable than she used to be and she’s great on the abortion issue, which is the main issue with female voters who are fleeing Trump like the plague.

Chamberlain: Well, it’s been a while since I’ve heard Harris speak, and I confess that some of what I’ve heard are smear compilations of her worst speaking moments. I will give her the benefit of the doubt and trust your opinion that she’s improved.

Scheide: I think Kamala can beat Trump.  Trump is far diminished from the 2016 and 2020 campaigns, women voters are fleeing in droves, and Republicans were praying Biden stayed in the race, because they realized Joe was a sitting duck. Kamala has become more relaxed in the spotlight during the past four years and is a much smoother campaigner. Her reproductive rights speeches have been awesome and that remains the most important issue in the campaign for many.

That said, the Democrats should start polling like crazy to determine who is the most viable candidate before the convention four weeks from now.

Chamberlain: I hope you’re right about Harris beating Trump … and I agree with you 100% about Democrats needing to poll like crazy before the convention. And while they’re at it, they should start registering new voters.

This will have an impact on our local elections, too. It’s going to be an intense, insane few months. Hang on to your hat, R.V.

Scheide: This is definitely going to energize the Democratic Party from here to the convention until the election. Four months is forever in politics, anything can happen.

If Harris, who is a moderate Democrat in my opinion, is running at the top of the ticket, she needs a VP who can appeal to the more liberal party base.

Mayor Pete fits that description. Is America ready for a gay VP? We know the Republicans aren’t, cutting taxes for the rich and hating on the LGBTQ community are their only polices. I think Pete could persuade a lot of people, plus he’s from the Midwest, which will help in swing states.

Chamberlain: Yes on Pete!

Scheide: If not Mayor Pete Buttigieg, then the double female ticket of Harris and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is intriguing. Two intelligent women whipping Trump’s ass has its attractions.

Chamberlain: I like!

Okay, I told you my dream ticket. I’m not talking logic, I’m talking who would your dream team be, in R.V.’s perfect world?

Scheide: Some of my liberal friends are pushing Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly for VP. Harris/Kelly is a good combo, but is he too Western U.S.?

My dream ticket is Gov. Gavin Newsom for president and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for VP. They’re smart, good looking and will simply crush Trump.

Chamberlain: Lol. You are a dreamer! You know that here in Shasta County Gavin Newsom would take a beating. Remember when he was up for recall? If it had been up to Shasta County voters, Newsom would have been recalled.

Scheide: Both Newsom and Whitmer are moderate Democrats, contrary to Republican opinion. I’m sorry to admit that being good looking helps, especially with social media, and especially if the looks are hooked up to the brains.

Chamberlain: It’s the JFK effect.

Hey, want to hear something funny? I’m getting a robocall from Doug LaMalfa’s office office right now. I think somebody’s nervous.

Scheide: Oh, there’s no question that the Republicans are scared shitless.

One thing voters should remember is that four months is plenty of time to vet and put up viable candidates. In the old days, the parties ran competitive primaries and the winner wasn’t selected until the convention. It’s going to be a media boon for Democrats.

Chamberlain: I’m thinking how this announcement could affect us locally in the coming months, too.

Scheide: Well, I’ll tell you one thing. The assassination attempt on Trump has already been forgotten. It’s just another school shooting! Thanks, Republicans. People were worried the assassination attempt might ignite a second civil war. I don’t think that’s going to happen locally.

Chamberlain:  By the time Trump’s ear scab falls off, the issue-attention cycle will have shifted to Biden’s announcement, Harris and the Democratic ticket.

Speaking of Biden, I hope he survives COVID (assuming he really has it).

Scheide: I’m genuinely concerned for Biden’s health too. How many times has he had COVID? A bunch I bet; some we don’t know about. Maybe he even has Long COVID. That could totally explain the debate performance and why he can’t campaign and be president at the same time.

Chamberlain: With or without COVID, I hope that Biden doesn’t try to campaign for Harris, at least not in person. I don’t think it would be helpful, at least that’s my thinking at the moment.

Scheide: Biden can post on X.

Current polls taken before Biden dropped out show Kamala behind Trump by 2 percent, within the margin of error. She’s a much smoother campaigner now and she’ll whip Trump in a debate. In fact I’ll bet Trump cancels the second debate. Running from a woman!

Chamberlain: That’s a beautiful image, one that I think will especially resonate with millions of women.

R.V. Scheide: If Kamala doesn’t get the top of the Democratic ticket because she doesn’t poll well, it’s going to open up one of the most exciting races in recent political history. It’s risky, because the will of the voters will be represented by the delegates to the convention, who aren’t necessarily the rank and file.

Chamberlain: I don’t think the DNC is up for risky.

Scheide: If I haven’t mentioned it already, I think the campaign slogan should be, “Go for Woke.” We need to take back wokeness.

Chamberlain: I love it, R.V.! You should copyright that — quickly!

And in the meantime, let’s get a new photo.

Thanks for the chat, R.V.  Interesting times, for sure. Part of me can’t wait until the November election — not just nationally, but locally. But the other part of me can’t bear to watch and report on what will happen in the next four months.



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