9th Annual Gifts for Good Community Holiday Gift Faire

Where: First United Methodist Church  1825 East St. Redding 96001           When:  Sunday Dec. 6th  1-4pm  What:  ·       Over 20 different booths will represent local and global non-profit agencies and organizations as well as local artists each offering unique gift items… Continue Reading

Creations of Love, Fall Arts & Crafts Fair

Art created by persons with developmental disabilities SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 11 AM – 2 PM ARTISTIC ENDEAVORS 491 Lake Blvd Redding, CA 530-242-0173 www.artistendeavors.com sunnie@artistendeavors.com ***Food***Drinks***Game Booths***Raffle*** ***Spinning Wheel***Paintings***Pottery*** ***Wood Crafts***Sewing Crafts*** PLEASE VISIT OUR FAIR AND SUPPORT OUR ARTISTS… Continue Reading


April’s Elves Busy Learning the Art of Living

It feels like Christmas in April at the Artistic Endeavors art studio. Like Santa’s elves, artists are working feverishly on paintings, charcoal drawings, clay pieces, birdhouses and hand-sewn aprons in preparation for the “Creations of Love” Arts and Crafts Fair… Continue Reading