Free Therapy #19: The Real Show

My narcissism showed up early, like many of us, I suppose.  I remember telling my mother when I was in kindergarten to save all my papers because someday I will be “great” and those papers will be important.  We lived… Continue Reading


Free Therapy #18: Contradictions

Like most humans, I am full of contradictions.  Something in us insists it shouldn’t be, but there it is. I spend 10 hours a day five days a week applying my 35-years’ worth of experience and knowledge about the human brain… Continue Reading


Free Therapy No. 17: Real Men Have Real Anxiety

Looking back now, I would say I was a worried child, tending to be more shy, sensitive and insecure than most.  Some kids are like emotional sponges.  They feel everything around them and until they figure out how to regulate… Continue Reading


Free Therapy No. 16: Life is a Card Game

In my work with my clients I constantly use metaphors.  I do this on purpose.  It is deliberative because it is effective.  It is an essential part of the therapeutic process.  It is about changing brains.  When our brains change,… Continue Reading


Free Therapy No. 15: Being Human

It isn’t easy being a human being, although I don’t recall my parents ever clueing me into this fact when I was a kid.  I guess it is one of those things you just figure out as you grow up. When… Continue Reading


Free Therapy No. 14: The Secret Sits

We dance round in a ring and suppose, But the Secret sits in the middle and knows. -Robert Frost We all have our lives until we don’t.  And while we have our lives we suffer.  Some a little.  Some a… Continue Reading


Free Therapy No. 13: Asking for Help

Long ago I figured out there were two kinds of clients.  One type needs to vent.  They have been through a lot and see therapy as a means to dump their angst and anguish.  They talk a great deal and… Continue Reading


Free Therapy No. 12: Why Not Be content?

“The Tao gives rise to all forms, yet it has no form of its own. If you attempt to fix a picture of it in your mind, you will lose it. This is like pinning a butterfly:  the husk is… Continue Reading


Free Friday Therapy No. 11: Letting Go of Blame Brings Peace and Understanding

“Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.  Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy.”  -Eckhart Tolle I was driving north on… Continue Reading


Free Therapy No. 10: Full Circle

“We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.”  Thich Nhat Hanh Sometimes when my mind tells me I have achieved a higher level of spiritual maturity, life and circumstance have a way of bringing me back to earth.… Continue Reading