Redding Region, Southern Oregon Could Lose Nearly 50 Post Offices

Tiny post offices across northern California and southern Oregon, including those in Castella, Hat Creek, Big Bar and Fort Klamath, are in danger of shutting down as the U.S. Postal Service scrutinizes more than 11 percent of its rural locations… Continue Reading


Under the Big Top in Ashland

“Break a leg!” That’s what actors traditionally wish each other as a contrarian mantra against stage fright. But when the main roof beam of Ashland’s 700-seat Bowmer Theater cracked a couple of weeks ago, the fracture frighted not just the… Continue Reading

In Medford, They Celebrate Beer All 7 Days

What: Medford Beer Week
When: June 12-18
Where: Medford, Oregon

Celebrating an American tradition that began in 1587 when Virginia colonists brewed ale using corn, the first-ever Medford Beer Week will take place … Continue Reading


If Laughter’s the Best Medicine, Ashland’s ‘Invalid’ Cures

If you like glitzy entertainment that pushes the boundaries of silly, you’ll feel right at home in the Parisian apartment of hypochondriac Argan.

The Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s production of “The Imaginary Invalid” – which opened in late February and runs through Nov. 6 — is an over-the-top adaptation of 17th century French … Continue Reading