Revitalizing Redding: Planning Commission OKs Dramatic Downtown Plans & Collects Concerns Over Bethel Church’s Expansion Efforts

An ambitious plan to transform the old Dicker’s building into a four-story, mixed-use hub of affordable housing and retail spaces received an enthusiastic green light Tuesday from the Redding Planning Commission. Daniel Knott, whose K2 Land and Investments owns the… Continue Reading


Letter: Spoil Salt Creek for 11 Fire-Prone Homes?

Dear Mayor Jones, The Redding Planning Commission members seriously overreached their role and also breached the General Plan in approving Sierra Pacific Industries’ massive, 440-home Salt Creek Heights subdivision as currently proposed. Ignoring greenway policies in place since the 1970s… Continue Reading


Redding Relaxes Backyard Chicken Restrictions

I’m not naming names, but some Redding residents may have violated city codes when they raised backyard chickens in modest suburban lots less than 20,000 square feet — spaces far smaller than the previously required half an acre for such fowl activities. Backyard chickens were… Continue Reading