Fighting Fire With Fire: Notes From The Wildland Urban Interface

California must fight fire with fire, or risk losing one of its greatest assets in the battle against climate change: the ability of its forests to sequester carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are exacerbating climate change. That’s right.… Continue Reading


Make Shasta County Great Again? Timber!

The logging trucks are rolling through Whitmore again and it has nothing to do with President-elect Donald Trump. The bone-dry woods of eastern Shasta County have finally absorbed enough water from recent storms to permit timber harvesting after a Cal… Continue Reading


Redding Mayor Joins In Movement To Save Redevelopment

Redding Mayor Missy McArthur joined a group of some 100 city leaders and industry lobbyists who traveled to Sacramento on Thursday to oppose California Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposal to discontinue redevelopment agencies statewide. McArthur attended a hearing of the state… Continue Reading