Grab Your Bow for the Weaverville Open Fiddle Contest

Local fiddlers will be rosining up the bow for the Weaverville Open Fiddle Contest Saturday, September 17. This contest, now in its sixth year, has consistently drawn fifty or sixty of the best fiddlers from throughout California, Oregon, and Nevada.… Continue Reading


Megan Lynch Fiddle Workshop to be Held Tuesday

Fiddle champion, recording artist, and renowned teacher Megan Lynch will give a fiddle workshop on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Keys and Strings Studio in Cottonwood, CA. Cost is $10 donation per student.… Continue Reading


College Bound: Will Fiddle For Tuition

By Doni Greenberg – The high, rapid strains of fiddle music filled the air outside the Raley’s market on Hartnell Avenue in Redding Wednesday afternoon. Not canned Muzak. Real fiddle music. Loud and clear. Under the shade of the store’s awning… Continue Reading