BLM Plans Prescribed Fire in Grass Valley Area of Trinity County

Fire crews from the Bureau of Land Management plan to conduct a 20-acre prescribed fire this week in the Little Grass Valley area south of the Buckhorn Station area along Highway 299 between Redding and Weaverville. Officials hope to complete… Continue Reading

Controlled Burn Planned for Whiskeytown

The National Park Service Whiskeytown N.R.A. will be planning to continue active underburn operations on Wednesday, November 2nd. The planned burn area is approximately 40 ac. of pine and oak woodland on the east side of Shasta Divide Ridge, which… Continue Reading

Burn Piles Planned Throughout Lassen Park

Lassen Volcanic National Park plans to hand ignite burn piles starting the week of October 3rd continuing through October 17th. These piles have been constructed in association with hazardous fuels reduction projects throughout the park. Weather forecasts for the majority… Continue Reading

BLM’s Redding Field Office Plans Prescribed Burns

The Bureau of Land Management’s Redding Field Office will conduct several prescribed burning projects this fall and winter to improve landscape health and remove brush piles remaining from vegetation improvement projects completed earlier. Burns are planned to begin in late… Continue Reading