Dream Bike Projects: What’s Coming? What’s Not?

Here’s a look at some of the potential bike paths and routes that people are talking about most for the Redding area. Project: The High Route, a 15-mile trail through Whiskeytown National Recreation Area from Kanaka Peak to Coggins Park… Continue Reading


Walk/Bike Dana-to-Downtown Path at Tuesday’s Opening

What: Grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for Dana to Downtown Project When: Sept. 28, 2 p.m. Where: New westbound onramp to State Route 44 at Dana and Hilltop drives The California Department of Transportation and the Shasta County Regional Transportation Planning… Continue Reading


Ambitious Plan Aims to Make Redding More Bike-Friendly

A bikeway master plan that envisions a grid of bike lanes across much of Redding could be adopted as soon as next month. The proposed “Bikeway Action Plan 2010-2015” calls for nearly doubling the length of bike lanes from the… Continue Reading