Fed-Up Citizens Invite Guardian Angels to Redding: ‘We’ve turned to outsiders for help’

It’s official. Redding has a Guardian Angel. Sean Rodgers, The Alliance of Guardian Angels West Coast Regional Director, announced Tues., Aug. 16, that the organization will establish a Redding branch. “We’re going to start the chapter,” he said from his… Continue Reading


Volunteers Haul Away Tons of Trash from Illegal Camp Sites

Dozens of volunteers cleaned up trash left in abandoned transient camps in south Redding Saturday, where about 65 men and women hauled away bedding, carpeting, clothes, household furnishings and all kinds of refuse from trails following Olney Creek near south Highway… Continue Reading


Downtown Non-profit Increases Services for Redding’s Needy

This month saw an increase in food and services available to Redding’s needy from the People of Progress, one long-time Redding non-profit organization. From her tiny office on downtown Center Street, Melinda Brown, the executive director of People of Progress,… Continue Reading


Redding Trails Watch – Volunteers for Public Safety: ‘I Want to Feel Safe’

The City of Redding, in partnership with a local trail promotion group, announced a new public safety program in the Community Room Thursday night. An audience of more than 60 learned about Trail Watch, groups of volunteers who schedule safe… Continue Reading


Citizen Groups Meet in Library Park With a Message for Vagrants: This is Our Park, Too

About 10 people — members of Facebook groups Take Back Redding and Shasta Support Services, most who had never met in person – gathered for a meet-and- greet lunch in Library Park noon Wednesday.

The group traded stories and debated the best ways to address the growing homeless situation in their city. Continue Reading