Citizen Groups Meet in Library Park With a Message for Vagrants: This is Our Park, Too

About 10 people — members of Facebook groups Take Back Redding and Shasta Support Services, most who had never met in person – gathered for a meet-and- greet lunch in Library Park noon Wednesday.

The group traded stories and debated the best ways to address the growing homeless situation in their city. Continue Reading


Redding Business Owner: Take Back Our City; ‘Stand Silent for Change’

We must come together in support of Redding, our vibrant, beautiful city. We can no longer sustain our high level of frustration and continue sharing stories amongst ourselves about crime, fear and damaged property, with no change, or hope for change in… Continue Reading


A distressing view from a downtown window: Drugs, booze, fights and filth

I saw my first illegal drug sale last week. In broad daylight. It took place on a downtown Redding bench outside the Yuba Street side of the historic Lorenz building. Continue Reading