My dog Bodie and I drove around several areas in Redding and looked at the flooding. Here are a few photos I took.
This trail goes from the Senior Center under the Diestelhorst Bridge into Caldwell Park.
For this shot, I stood on the other side of Diestelhorst Bridge in Caldwell Park.
The swells remind me of the ocean. These photos, below, are of the Market Street Bridge across the Sacramento River.
Here’s a photo at Caldwell Park a few months after I got Bodie. We’re sitting with the statue of Bush – Redding’s first Mayor. Notice the height of statue’s head.
You can see the statue’s head below the lamp post.
Here’s a view from where we stood in front of Movies 8 looking toward Park Marina Drive.
Here we are standing in water about 4 inches deep at Park Marina Drive looking back at Movies 8. Bodie loved walking through all the water.
This gives a new meaning to “Aqua Golf”.
This is the parking lot in a business plaza where I use to see a dentist.
Looking south standing in the middle of Park Marina Drive.
Water floods the park on the other side of Park Marina Drive.
Here is The Beadman. There is a trailer park completely submerged behind those trees that’s on a lower elevation along the river.
This is Park Marina Drive going south under the Cypress Bridge.
And this is along one of the Sacramento River trails Bodie and I walk quite often.